Sunshine... on my shoulders make me happy... |
Sunshine... in my eyes can make me cry.
Sunshine... on the water looks so lovely... |
...Almost always makes me high. |
If I had a day... that I could give you... |
...I' d give to you a day just like today. |
If a had a song... that I could sing for you... |
...I' d sing a song... to make you feel this way. |
Sunshine... on my shoulders makes my happy. |
If I had a tale... that I could tell you... |
...I' d tell a tale sure to make you smile. |
If I had a wish that I could wish for you... |
...I' d make a wish... for sunshine all the while!... |
Sunshine... on my shoulders make me happy. |
Sunshine... in my eyes can make me cry. |
Sunshine... on the water look so lovely. |
Almost always makes me high... |
If I had a day... that I could give you... |
...I' d give to you a day just like today! |
N-am putut crede ce am văzut în final: „Niciun comentariu”.Nu se poate așa ceva...
RăspundețiȘtergereBa se poate. Am rămas cu toții cu gura căscată!
Aș fi curioas să cunosc părerea lui Horacio Altuna despre desene...
Doamna Hanks i-a pozat domnului Hanks? Nu cred. Nu poate fi cineva așa de ticnit să-și ia asemenea nevastă!
RăspundețiȘtergereasta da rază de soare!