miercuri, 18 decembrie 2013

Sunshine on Her Shoulders...

Sunshine... on my shoulders make me happy...
Sunshine... in my eyes can make me cry.

Sunshine... on the water looks so lovely... 
...Almost always makes me high.

If I had a day... that I could give you...
...I' d give to you a day just like today.
If a had a song... that I could sing for you...
...I' d sing a song... to make you feel this way.
Sunshine... on my shoulders makes my happy.
If I had a tale... that I could tell you...
...I' d tell a tale sure to make you smile.
If I had a wish that I could wish for you...
...I' d make a wish... for sunshine all the while!...
Sunshine... on my shoulders make me happy.
Sunshine... in my eyes can make me cry.
Sunshine... on the water look so lovely.
Almost always makes me high...
If I had a day... that I could give you...
...I' d give to you  a day just like today!
"SUNSHINE... ALMOST ALWAYS... "    Sunt versurile magnificului cantec al lui John Denver, "Sunshine on my Shoulders", insotind acuarelele lui STEVE HANKS, capodopere pentru care limba romana nu are inca un epitet atat de expresiv ca sa le poata insoti.

3 comentarii:

  1. N-am putut crede ce am văzut în final: „Niciun comentariu”.Nu se poate așa ceva...
    Ba se poate. Am rămas cu toții cu gura căscată!
    Aș fi curioas să cunosc părerea lui Horacio Altuna despre desene...

  2. Doamna Hanks i-a pozat domnului Hanks? Nu cred. Nu poate fi cineva așa de ticnit să-și ia asemenea nevastă!
